What is the LAEK -0,24% training program for workers?
The OAED create the LAEK 0,24% training program for workers every year, through which enables businesses to recollect the employers’ contribution 0,24% which have made. In order to recollect this employer contribution, business must materialize educational and training programs of their staff according to the rules of LAEK -0,24 program.
What is the LAEK-0,24% annual amount which entitled to each business?
Companies are entitled each year the sum of:
- the amount of levy 0.24% payable for the current year
- the amount of levy 0.24% the previous year which have not collected.
How do we calculate the ΛΑΕΚ-0,24% subsidy amount?
The process of OAED- LAEK calculating subsidy is:
We calculate the gross earnings of employees of a company for which the company pays for all employer offer for this year {14 months]
This amount multiplies by 0.24%. The resulting amount is what the company is entitled to use for training programs in the current year and returned by OAED following a specific procedure early next year. [Payment process]
If a company used the amount of the previous year shall be entitled to transfer the amount in the current year [Until 20 of December]
Example of calculation OAED LAEK 0,24% amount
Whether the company has 15 employees.
Gross earnings of each employee are €1000 per month.
The amount that you can use for this year (calculating approximately until the end of the year) is:
15 employees X 14 salaries X 1000 gross earnings X 0,24% =
Which educational and training programs are included in LAEK?
The LAEK -0,24% program includes:
Educational programs that take place in Greece
Masters degree and other long-term educational programs that take place in Greece
Educational Programs that don’t take place in Greece